Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Star Wars Stuff

Today my sister and I flipped through a Wilton Cake decorating guide from 1983.


It was a lot of fun. We saw some wrecks, and some neat ideas.

Here are two of my favorite wrecks from the book (There were a lot of gems though)

(That mama kangaroo is made from a bowling ball pan)

(This was made with the bear pan...)

One thing I particularly liked was the Star Wars decorating stuff.


The candy molds being my favorite:

I would love it if I could mold candy into wookie and R2D2 shapes. Fun fact though, these candy molds are now out of production and worth a fortune.
After bumming for a bit about the fact that I can't have the coveted candy molds, I did a quick search for what star wars goodies I can have.

I found these:

Cookie cutters from williams sonoma

Cupcake stencils from williams sonoma

They also had pancake molds, sandwich cutters, and ship-shapes (like x wings and the millennium falcoln).

I was at the mall earlier, and all the ship ones are half off, but I really want the star wars character ones...

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