Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Muppet Movie

Thanksgiving weekend my boyfriend took me to see The Muppet Movie. I am in love. I have been "muppeting out" since we saw it.

I've spent a lot of time on the Muppet Wiki, as well as a lot of time on the FAO Shwarz site making whatnots. I also bought the soundtrack and may or may not have listened to it exclusively for a few days.

The final piece of my obsession with muppets is an obsession with the OPI line of muppet themed nail polishes. I bought "Rainbow Connection" because I'm a sucker for the song and a sucker for glitter. I absolutely love it. I have a strong desire to also buy "Warm & Fozzie". I think I probably will once I get my hands on another Ulta coupon.