Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Bunny Gets a Garden

Kroger had its living herbs on clearance and lucky for me one parsley plant wasn't too sickly. 
This means that Ferdie now has her own little plant which she's quickly eating out of existence.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Three Years!

When I was leaving for class this morning I found this beautiful bouquet waiting on my doorstep.

Eric and I have been dating three years today. Isn't that wild? 

I am so happy to be with him. 

Sunday, September 11, 2011

I made a cake!

This was for my nephew's birthday. His favorite show in the world is Phineas and Ferb, so I tried my hand at making a perry cake. I took some guidance from one of my favorite crafty blogs Dabbled, and made up some things along the way, but here it is!

It's a little bit wreck-y, but hey, I made it and I'm proud. 

A Bunny's Eye View

I promised a while back a tour of my apartment, which I haven't gotten around to yet, but Ferdinand has :)

Here is the front entrance. That pet gate really peeves Ferdie but is entirely necessary. Nacho the cat thinks we're hiding another room from her. 

This is our main room. I have yet to pick up bar stools to make that breakfast nook a good eating space.

And here you can see the bottom of the beautiful new couch my roommate Ashley bought, and a peek of the floor of our kitchen.

So concludes Ferdie's tour of our apartment. 

Baking with Cookie Stamps

I recently purchased these beauties on ebay

I LOVE Disney (as apparent by my other posts) so I was super excited to try them out.

In case you're not a Disney or baking nut, these are cookie stamps created by Brown Bag.
I just love their mission statement to revolutionize how people think of cookies.
Sadly, because the stamps and molds are so beautiful, all too often they're displayed rather than baked with. 
Obviously my molds and stamps will get lots and lots of use.

Here are some photos of my first time baking with them

Here they are all stamped and pretty, waiting for the oven

Close up of Donald

Close up of Minnie

Fresh out of the oven

Close up unpainted

All painted and pretty!

Annnddd, close-ups:

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Bento Box

I've started trying my hand at making bento-style lunches. 
So far they've had a western twist, but in the future I hope to switch to more traditional bentos.
Here is a shot of my latest lunch:


You can see I slipped one of the chocolate covered strawberries from Eric in there. :)

Treat From Eric

Yesterday I came home after class, and I was surprised and excited to find a note on my door from Edible Arrangements. My wonderful, amazing boyfriend had sent me a treat. I am so lucky to have such a sweet, thoughtful boyfriend. I miss him so much.


Tuesday, September 6, 2011

A Craft I Plan to Make

I have two Disney reusable shopping bags that I absolutely love, but obviously I need more.

Which is why I plan to make this craft.

I'm posting this here as a reminder to myself for later.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Donald Cookies

Over the past few days I made and decorated Donald duck cookies from a brown bag cookie mold. The process was fun and different. 
 My mold looks just like this one (although this is not my image)

Image from Artistic Cookies they have a wide selection of cookie molds available 

At first I followed the recipe included in my mold's booklet exactly, but I quickly realized the dough was far too sticky to make a molded cookie. This meant I had to knead in flour until the dough felt right (mind you this is my first time using this recipe).
 That created a huge mess:


 In the end though, my cookies unmolded beautifully. Here they are right before going in the oven: CIMG5189 

 And here they are right after they came out:


 Then I put a light glaze on them:


 Which waterproofed them enough that I could try "painting" the cookies:


 I used gel food coloring like water colors, which was much easier than piping, and made for a gorgeous cookie (in my opinion)
