Monday, April 25, 2011

I was wandering on the internet and I saw these beds that are childhood dreams come true. Hopefully, someday I'll have the crafting skills to make awesome beds like this.

Isn't that genius? I don't think I ever actually imagined a bed like this as a child, but I would have loved it. (I still would love it)

And it looks so comfy!

This second bed actually is something out of a dream. When I was little me and my siblings would make "nests" on the stairs using blankets and pillows. I always wanted to leave them out and sleep there. Maybe someday....

my future kids will be able to sleep in a nest like I always wanted to.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Tico's Big Adventure

The lock on Tico's cage broke off a little while ago. Since then I've been making do with a piece of duct tape to keep the lid on. The problem with that is, each time I open the cage a little bit of the sticky is lost. Because of this Tico escaped from his cage today... twice.

The first time was on the drive back to school. I glanced into the back seat to find myself face to face with a very proud Tico. I managed to shove him back in his cage, and I figured that was done. I should of recognized that he escaped because the tape had lost its stick, but instead I assumed he had gotten out because I hadn't pushed the tape down hard enough. This was wrong.

Fast forward a few hours, I get home from class. I don't even bother to check if Tico is in his cage, because I assume he is. Eric pointed Tico out to me, as he was running under my bed. This time he had been out long enough that he was excited to head back home, which is concerning. I also found a large pile of sunflower seed shells, he managed to gorge himself on his big day out. However, he seems to be doing well. I hope he stays happy and healthy.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Disney Store

I have a little bit of a problem with The Disney Store.

I LOVE Disney. It's a bit of an obsession. I spend a good part of my free time looking at stuff on the Disney Store website. While I'm hanging out there I find so many things that I don't need, but that I very much want.

Prime example:

This 20 piece flatware set I lusted after for weeks. I do not need flatware. I don't even have my own kitchen yet. Yet, I wanted it so bad.

Now I'm lusting after this dinnerware:

As I mentioned earlier, I do not even have a kitchen. Why do I have a desire to stock my non-existent kitchen with Disney dinnerware?

There is one item on the Disney Store site I've been lusting after that is somewhat practical:

I would wear that! It's perfect for summer sleeping, lounging, ect. I've wanted a romper for a while, and it's adorable... and one of the reviews said it would be adorable on someone about 5'3".

Just as I've convinced myself that I should buy it, and it's worth it, and I would wear it allll the time, I remember that it is 40 dollars. That is 40 dollars that I do not have.

Then I sigh, and I keep shopping, and keep lusting after EVERYTHING on that site.

Monday, April 4, 2011

End of Semester Stress

I'm down to the last four weeks of the semester. It's terrifying how much work I have to complete in the next four weeks. So many papers, so much reading. One assignment that I'm actually really enjoying is my science for elementary schoolers honors option. I'm making a board game to help 4/5th graders better understand energy transfer and states of matter. It's been a lot of work, but also a lot of fun. I'm really excited to see what it's like when it's completed. I hope that it proves to be fun and useful when I'm teaching. I'll post pictures here when it's finished.